Contemporary Quarantine Lifestyle

This corona virus quarantine seems to be saving time by me not having to drive anywhere. This morning I finished a telemed doctor visit to discuss my back pain. Big PRO was I didn’t have to drive anywhere and within seconds a nurse was on the screen to take some information from me. I took my own temperature and weighed myself on a home scale. I didn’t tell them I have a home blood pressure monitor because I didn’t want to go unplug it and drag it over to the room I set up for my visit. Maybe I’ll have it ready for the next time; if there is a next time. Is this the way medical visits will be moving forward? I ask, even though I know no one knows the answer to that. The bad part is now I have to head into the chaos to pick up my prescription later – there is no drive thru window. So, I’ll be heading out with blue nitrile gloves, my homemade mask, and my hair pulled back tightly.

Most people around me have received their stimulus checks. The IRS website said they released it to be deposited in my account today, but when I checked my bank account, there was nothing there.

Just in case you don’t know, if you’re a U.S. citizen, you can review the status of your payment by going to: Click the blue button that says “Get My Payment” and it will load a new screen that will ask you some basic questions, like your DOB, name, address, and so on…

The puzzle company gave us a duplicate piece and took one away. The poor retriever’s heart has been crossed!

I also had my therapy session over telephone today. It was nice not going anywhere, but I realized the only space I have that is sound proof from any passer-by’s is my vehicle. The other plus to having my therapy session in my car is that I’m surrounded by windows.; no one can sneak up on me. While I don’t think anyone in my home is sneakily trying to listen to my conversations, I’m aware the walls are thin and I know I can get loud when passionately conversing with someone. Literally, right now, as I type I can hear the conversation between two police offers on the t.v. in the living room. I’m in my bedroom with the door closed. *Shrug* It also helps that I don’t care who see’s me crying. If you see my on the phone and crying hysterically in my car, DO NOT BE ALARMED, I’m in therapy. Haha! This is the modern quarantine lifestyle.

Also, regarding the novel in process, today my protagonist will have to deal with a direct attack by her antagonist. The protagonist is going to be attacked by the antagonist via Facebook Live. Sound harmless, but this is only the first step towards a series of maliciously handled events. I have so much writing to do and suspense to curate.

Leave a comment below, has anyone ever attacked you in a publicly shared space like at school, the mall, or even online outlets like Facebook Live or Twitter? How did it affect you and did you change anything because of it? I’m asking for “research” sake… maybe I’ll incorporate it into the story?

Tangerine sunset in Tucson, Az

Published by authordenisedodge

This COVID-19 and quarantine situation has me locked up and unemployed. Follow me on my journey switching from casino-work to writing my first fiction series. It's a drastic change in style & subject matter and there is no better time for me to do it than now!

4 thoughts on “Contemporary Quarantine Lifestyle

  1. Good for you that you are able to continue working on your book during this crisis. My thoughts have been too scattered for working on my own project. But all is not lost. I’m focusing on the research process–with lots of books to read and annotate–that’s essential for its completion.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. “I can hear the conversation between two police offers on the t.v. in the living room.”
    I mean, come on! What the …? Only Americans would leave the TV running in an empty room. Or the lights on, for that matter.
    Electrical gimmicks, when they serve no purpose – flick them off!
    Stay healthy, stay sane, wash your hands


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